
20. After the Verifications: Realizing the Full Potential

Among the heroes in the pantheon of Chinese mythology, the Monkey King takes a prominent position. Monkey King originated from the novel Journey to the…

19. The Verification of the Two Separate Realms

In this post, we verify Buddha’s teaching that two separate domains exist in the cosmos. One is the Ultimate Reality, which was verified. The other…

18. The Verification of Adventitiousness

In this post, we continue the verification of Buddha’s teachings in Such is the Way of Dharma by confirming the adventitious relationship between the realm…

17. The Verification of Non-Luminosity

In this post, we verify Buddhism’s non-luminosity by comparing it to a domain scientists deem an “empty space is not empty.” According to the host of…

14. The Verification of Citta (iii) Enlightenment2

In this post, we continue to verify Citta through the enlightenment experiences of two well-known Dharma Masters in China. 1) Dharma Master Hui-Neng  We discussed…

13. The Verification of Citta (ii): Enlightenment1

In this post, we verify Citta through the enlightenment of our enlightened contemporary, Adyashanti.   Adyashanti is a contemporary enlightened person. Therefore, his enlightenment experience is…

12. The Verification of Citta (i): Consummate Self-Nature

The verifications of Such is the Way of Dharma start with the verifying parinispanna, the consummate or perfected self-nature of Citta, the Ultimate Reality, through…

11. Before the Verifications: What to Expect

After discussing Such is the Way of Dharma, we are pretty much done discussing Buddha’s teachings on reality, except in what scientists call the quantum…

10. The Three Self-Natures and Four Realms of Reality

After discussing the realms of enlightenment and unenlightenment, this post introduces Buddha’s teachings on their three self-natures and four ways of understanding them.  A) Three…