Buddhism in the Quantum Realm

29. Mentergy

As a conclusion to the discussion on reality, we examine how combining mentality and energy into a single concept, such as mentergy, will not only…

28. The Observer Effect

In this post, we discuss the Observer Effect. The Observer Effect is associated with the Double-Slit Experiment and was discovered in 1801 by British polymath Thomas…

26. Namarupa

In this post, we discuss namarupa. Like the Five Aggregates, namarupa suggests that rupa is not what it seems to be.  Namarupa (Chinese=名色), according to…

16. The Three Delicate Marks

Having discussed that “neighbor-to Emptiness dust” is equivalent to the scientific epiphenomenon and the precise intersecting point between Buddhism and science, we talk about the…

15. Epiphenomenon, Higgs Boson, and Beyond

Having verified Citta, we verify the remaining doctrines in Such is the Way of Dharma. These include non-luminosity, adventitiousness, and two realms of separate reality….